For Beginning Entrepreneur

My business makes under $100K in gross revenue. I'm eager to know my numbers and set up my business the smart way. 

Did you know that 70% of entrepreneurs don’t have a bookkeeper and 64% of those entrepreneurs admit to blindly doing their own bookkeeping? This risky behavior can result in inaccurate reporting and unexpected tax bills! If you’re a beginning entrepreneur, you’re in the PERFECT position to set up your business for success! GIP has budget-friendly solutions to help you know your numbers.

DIY Tracker - Every business must have a system to track income and expenses. The DIY Tracker, created by GIP's Accounting Manager and CEO of Legacy Pro Accounting Latasha Phillips, is a spreadsheet that allows you to categorize your transactions and also provides reporting data (Profit and Loss, Balance Sheet, and basic cash flow reporting). 

GIP Academy - Need hand-holding as you manage your books? GIP Academy is our online community for entrepreneurs who are managing their own bookkeeping. For $97 a month, you’ll receive our online library of webinars, monthly live teaching, and quarterly 1:1 support. It’s a safe space for entrepreneurs to talk about money and get the answers you need to make your business profitable. If you’re ready to know your numbers, get approved for funding, and finally pay yourself from your business, click the button to enroll.